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I'll Drink to That! What is your favorite beverage to have with a cigar? Juice? Cola? Beer? Port? Single Malt Scotch? This room is for the discussion of beverages, especially alcoholic beverages that go well with cigars!

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Old 09-30-2017, 04:50 AM   #1
El Chefé
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Rendezvous triple Belgium

Had a glass of it at the pizzeria last night. Two reasons. 1) it was made locally in Roswell, and 2) it was the only interesting draft offering that wasn't a damned IPA or lame American brew. There was a pineapple habanero offering, but the interest in trying it disappears with the IPA designation.

It isn't a very malty beer, more like a crisp lager. Flavor reminds me as much of a heffeweisen as a Belgian ale. It was much lighter on the palate than I expected. At 9.5% ABV, it's more like a barleywine and you can feel the strength of the alcohol on the first sip. Some might comment that it resembles an Oktoberfest beer, and I can't argue with that.

Overall, I liked it and would have it again. I'm going to look for more Rendezvous brews, as long as they aren't IPAs.

Edit: found it in cans this morning. They call it Jude Triple Belgium.
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Last edited by BigO; 09-30-2017 at 08:16 AM.
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