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Old 08-08-2010, 12:45 PM   #1
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Location: Marshall, MO
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5th Annual Jared M. Stubblefield Memorial Scholarship Herf

First off I want to tell everyone here at CW sorry for not letting you all know about this event this year I really dropped the ball but I will do better this year that's for sure.

Any way everything got started here on Friday with 5 of us playing golf ending with Dave McC after re-buyshracken winning all the money then we all went over to Jeffs house to get everything ready for the pre-herf fish fry we had about 30 people show up for all the food and beer you could wish for and so much cigar smoke I was worried the folks next door might call the fire dept....lol.

The poker tourney was won by my son Stuart for the second year in a row after re-buys I think we made about $150 and then the top 2 places split the other $150 and the second place finisher gave his money back so my son matched it so we made $270 for the Jared M. Stubblefield Memorial Scholarship, I would not be a very good reporter if I did not tell who was the first person out it was ME........LOL so I tried to drink the rest of a bottle of Makers Mark man was that a mistake talk about the big head ALL DAY SATURDAY.....

We ended up with about 80 people at the main event out at the park for the food beer and auction.

I want to thank everyone that came out to support this great event and a real big thanks to JB, Greg and Mike for making the trip and all the young men that knew Jared that do their best to make it back every year.

Now it's time to start on next years event
***RIP My friend dodom***
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