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I'll Drink to That! What is your favorite beverage to have with a cigar? Juice? Cola? Beer? Port? Single Malt Scotch? This room is for the discussion of beverages, especially alcoholic beverages that go well with cigars!

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Old 06-23-2013, 01:37 PM   #5
CW Squirrel Wrangler
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there is no reason that this can't be beaten. IIRC, it is limited to south america, in climate regions that are conducive to it, and since that is the case, we can eventually through natural selection get resistance bred in. it takes a big effort like starbucks seems ready to go to. Some of those countries should be using every last cent and resource to do it, because coffee is more important to their economy than they realize.

We have bred disease resistance into tomatoes and roses and various other food crops without using gene splicing, we did it just by selectively reseeding with plants that survived deliberate contamination by TMV and other disease or insect pests. Coffee isn't that easy, but it can be done. The biggest problem as I see it is that a coffee shrub is not a one year crop. there may be many generations of failures before resistance is found.

But, we have at least partly overcome blue mold in the tobacco business, we will overcome the coffee blight. Eventually.
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