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Old 04-22-2002, 06:48 PM   #1
Starting Member
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: plantation, florida USA
Posts: 26
hello everybody.

i'm relatively new to the stogie world (and CW), but now that i'm in it i find that there's no bottom to this hole! a box here, another there, and wow that cigar was awesome how about one more box over there... CW's boards are the friendliest i've come across, so it's here i dare to delurk.

my desktop humis aren't doing the trick. i live way down in ft. lauderdale florida and have a mother of a time regulating the things. i've heard everything from coolers to "leave em wet," but i'm really worried about stocking up just to hatch beetles or grow moldy sticks. the desktops vary from 74-78 degrees and hover around 74-76 RH. bad, i know, but that's what i've got to deal with in this solar-trap of a house.

one requirement, at least the one i'm trying to hold on to, is the admiration factor. i walk by my humi 10 times a day just looking into it, wondering what i'm gonna pull out for that night. i like the fact that you can see the cigars and conditions through the glass-top and, well, there's just the "check this out" thing goin on. i also want to be able to store them on-site, so keeping a spot in my local shop's humi isn't really what i want either.

but, if'n i've got lemons lemonade i shall have.

my questions:

1) aristocrat humis -- do they regulate temp as well as RH? i'm willing to invest a couple of grand but want to be sure it's the right solution. i've read here that most people are very pleased with bob's stuff and if the humis (particularly the M cabs) can combat florida conditions i'm more than sold. i like the glass top/front and it's not something my wife would object to placed in my play room.

2) coolers... the local guys down here tell me it's the worst thing i can do, but if all you guys swear by them i guess the local guys are FOS. i can't see a problem (save the admiration factor) as long as you allow the 'gars to breathe regularly, but you (read: i) never know. i have the grtrx 12-step article, just want something a little more pleasing to the eye.

3) links. if anybody's got any links to share, i'd sure appreciate it.

thanks for any input!

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