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Mr. Creosote's Diner Fried, boiled, smoked, seared or sautéed, this is the place we discuss our favorite foods and their preparation. Grab a knife and fork and dig in!

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Old 08-20-2024, 09:30 AM   #11
El Chefé
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You're going to need a really good vacuum sealer with a consistently good seal. Above the Seal A Meal threshold. Norco makes a good one. I've had 3 vacuum sealers before this one and I think it's good to go for years to come.

I spent 40 years building a complete chef's kitchen, only to have my family die or leave. The youngest is living here pretty much as she would at Motel 6. So, it's just me and a sous-vide isn't very practical for me anymore. 2 other things I don't need is an air fryer (tried one, didn't like it) and an instapot. It's a real challenge going from cooking for 5 as opposed to cooking for one. Only things I buy at the store anymore are produce, dairy and bread.
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Last edited by BigO; 08-20-2024 at 09:33 AM.
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