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Old 07-02-2010, 06:59 PM   #1
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Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Downingtown, Pennsylvania
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Has anyone else noticed that Thompson has of late become competitive as far as prices and selection go? They still sell some really lousy house brands, but I've seen them offer some really good deals on Fuentes and some others and you know that they must have awesome buying power with the potential to be -very- competitive. And they are starting to carry brands that "real" smokers actually like, such as Pete Johnson's line.

Now I'm not suggesting that we all start buying from Thompson's - just pointing out an observation. I know that Thompson does not have the best reputation for the condition of the cigars, the shipping time, and for playing fast and loose with what you actually end up with if you order a discounted price sampler. But perhaps they have worked on those issues as well. If not, then they need to - the average real cigar smoker won't put up with those sort of things just to save a buck or three.

I just got their most recent catalog, and, while it still gets silly at times, it seems that they have toned down the descriptions a bit too.
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Thompson, Thompson Cigar Company
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