Originally Posted by N8DCJ
So , when I put boxes in my cooler , do I prop the boxes open ?
no. pointless. the box keeps everything stable, just like the cello. Your romeos will not flirt with your belindas and become happier together. A properly humidified cigar, kept in a proper box, kept in a properly sealed and humidified storage unit will not ever change to be a dry cigar.
Cello? leave it on your cigars. It provides stability. If you get nude cigars with parchment, leave the parchment on. Many boxes will absorb far too much water, becoming wetter than the ambient humidity, and if these wooden surfaces become overly humid your cigars can suffer.
Stability is what it is all about. If you get short term excess heat or moisture, that water should take weeks to penetrate the wood down to the cigars. Even if you let your cooler develop a london grade fog, it won't reach your actual tobacco for a few weeks, due to the barriers of wood and cellophane, and by the time it manages to penetrate that far, it should have stabilized and the excessively moist would should have already started drying back out.
Everyone has things that they hear or think of that seem to make sense, actions to take that will improve the way something works. Some people add STP to the gas every time, some people put magnets on the fuel line to break up the gas into smaller, more volatile molecules. (have you ever noticed that petrochemicals are never ionic, and hydrogen/carbon combined molecules aren't polarized, so NOTHING can be affected by a magnet?)