Originally Posted by grtrx
I thought cocaine came via the Columbian cartels mostly but my memory is not what it used to be. But crime is bad. Doesn't matter who is doing it.
It did come in via the Colombian cartels at the time (now it's Mexico.) Escobar, Ochoa, Carlos Lehder, Griselda Blanco and more. All Colombian. But most of them lived in Miami when they were in the U.S.A. The market was flooded there. I had cartel members asking ME if I could hook them up with people to sell large quantities of cocaine to and I was only sixteen! And it got so crazy that one of them built this incredible bulletproof truck with a turret and then they had an Uzi shootout in a busy mall; and this one was different because they shot civilans too, on purpose. Craziness man! As for Scarface, some of the Cubans became involved, but for that matter people of every race got involved.