In a press release from Dunbarton Tobacco and Trust on Monday, July 13, 2020 and published in our
Cigar Weekly News Feed, company president Steve Saka announced his firm's response to the cancellation of the Premium Cigar Association's (née IPCPR, née RTDA) annual summer trade show.
Originally Posted by Steve Saka, founder of Dunbarton Tobacco and Trust
“So rather than focus on sales, we have created an interactive program that will educate and engage our Select Purveyors and any of their staff they wish to include. It will be focused on our products, industry trends, business strategy for continued growth, etc. in my typical no-nonsense manner. But ‘man does not live on work alone’, so we decided to spice it up a bit and jokingly bring in some elements of those really crappy timeshare pitches that we all endured as children whose parents just wanted the FREE whatever for listening. Now I cannot promise it will be good, but it will definitely be different and hopefully fun! And of course we will throw out some sort of deal or two at the end, but that will not be the primary focus – we want our Purveyors to buy our puros not because they are discounted, but because they are exceptional and serve the needs of the most experienced and discerning customers. ”