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Old 05-02-2018, 11:00 AM   #1
Contributing Editor
Herf Meister
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Central, Iowa
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Writing a Cigar Review For Posting. Win a prize!

First of all, I am not a cigar review expert. Like you, I've read plenty. Some of them read like pure hot air aimed at getting you to buy a cigar. It's like the blurbs you read at the cigar vendor sites. According to them, every cigar is damn good!
But there are people who have sensitive palates and a gift for language. A lot of those folks have blogs or write for magazines. The majority of us probably don't fit in that category.
Sometimes it's nice to see what the average Joe thinks of a particular cigar. Wouldn't it be nice to put a brand name in the search criteria for the Cigar Review forum and get a half dozen opinions in one place? That's a valuable tool when you are considering spending $100 or so on a box of cigars.
So I'm suggesting you take part in the Cigar Review contest. You can add to the cigar data base and maybe win some smokes as a benefit. I won last month. That means anyone can win!
You don't have to taste leather, cocoa or Old Spice. Just think about the characteristics of the smoke and write them down. Is the cigar strong or mild? Bitter or sweet? Complex or plain? Good Draw? Nice wrapper? Well rolled? Lots of smoke or very little?
You can probably toss some adjectives in there too like toasty or nutty.
It doesn't have to be great literature. Just use simple words to communicate how you feel about a given cigar. What's the rating standard you ask? CA uses 1-100. Jefslat uses 1-10. I used that too recently. But I'm thinking of going with 1-5. seems simpler to me. Use what you want.
Competition for the cigar review prize is light right now. The current category is Maduro Cigars. Three reviews gets you consideration for the prize. Get busy and win some nice smokes!
Here's to you and your first cigar review!
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