07-06-2015, 10:08 AM
Herf God
Join Date: Aug 1998
Location: Metairie, LA
Posts: 86,991
Oregon Tax Proposal Defeated.
Bill that hides tax increase within a tax credit is dead
By Taxpayer Association of Oregon
Rep. John Davis (R-Wilsonville) said it looks like the bill (SB 925) that hides a tax increase within a tax credit is dead. “With Republican solidarity and participation from voters, we successfully killed it,” said Davis. Many voters contacted their lawmakers to urge them to vote no on SB 925. The bill was sent to the House Committee on Revenue, which at this late date is in essence sending it to the graveyard, said Davis.
+In Memory of E.Guevara(Cubano67)W.Orlando(Shadow) A.Morris (Knife) D.Odom (dodom) D.Revermann (dgr) S.Bouchard (sb1396) M.Cole (Matt76) S.Faccenda (TOJE) R.Smith(IBMer) V.Vandermeer (van55)M.Davis(boxdoctor)S.Singer(bassman)K.Doetze l (drillrk1)D.Hart(garme1962)J.Coleman(John C 81)T.Gossett(Dartplayer1)J.Bolt (jb)E.J.Ferralles(CaballoPinto)M.Cataldo(FVFanMC)K Payne(SanchoPanza)F.Seltzer(Mowee)+LB+Connor Olson+Micah Kercheval+Maggie Bonefas+Karen