Originally Posted by smbauerllc
Dang, 4 or 5 a day, and only buying Cubans?
Definitely have a bigger bankroll than me. I long since priced out of the Cubans market and since I started smoking a pipe too, have cut back to 2 Cigars a day as my previous habit of 3 a day was unsustainable.
I friggin love tobacco!
I used to have. lot of cigars, all cubans back in the early 2000's. 5000-7000. I have less than 1000 now. 200 are NC's and I need to smoke through a bunch of them. Not that they are terrible cigars, just not my thing. The few that I do like I will continue to buy by the box now that I have tried a few.
It's not like I am buying all cohibas or something. I look at it this way. The smaller cigars I like in NC are 225-250 for cabs of 50. Partagas shorts are 600 or so for a cab of 50. Am I willing to spend money on cigars that I really like or just settle for decent cigars that are never going to satisfy like a Cuban? A personal choice for me.
So now I am looking at 300 roughly for boxes of PC's that I really enjoy. (Cubans). I can also buy custom rolls for 200-350 a bundle. Excellent cigars that are as good as or better than regular production IMO. So, it's not really a lot of extra money on an annual basis to be honest.
On a regular basis I can get in 1 or 2 NC's a day and then finish the day with a really good Cuban and still be happy. so if I do that every day (I don't) then thats 90 cigars a month. 60 NC's at 6 bucks ea is 360 plus another 300 or so for cubans. So, less than 700 a month which is pretty reasonable. I'm older now and poor so I can spend like I used to if I want to keep smoking I have to include some NC's in my mix. Black works studio and Curivari as well as some Oliva should help keep the budget down. Oh and the tatuahe Black and West Tampa Black as well. I also buy almost every NC on sale so that saves about 30% on average.