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Old 12-04-2005, 10:35 AM   #1
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Post Commonly Used Terms and Acronyms

----------------Cigar Related------------------

858 = Arturo Fuente 858 (a brand/size of cigars)
898 varn = 898 Varnished
A/T = Aluminum Tubes
AB = Alec Bradley (Cigar company/brand founded by Alan Rubin)
AF = Arturo Fuente
AJF = AJ Fernandez (hottest blender and factory 2009 to present)
ALT = JR Cigar's Alternate Line
AM = Ave Maria
ASC = alt.smokers.cigars (a USENET Newsgroup)
B&M = Brick & Mortar Tobacconist Store (as opposed to an on-line vendor)
BBF = Bolivar Belicoso Fino
BBMF = Opus X BBMF (Big Bad Mother F***er)
BCJ = Bolívar Coronas Junior
Beli. = belicoso
Big Smoke = cA's cigar events.
BLTC = Black Label Trading Company
Boli CE = Bolivar Corona Extra
Bol CG = Bolivar Coronas Gigantes
Boli CG = Bolivar Coronas Gigantes
BOTL = Brother of the Leaf
BS = A. Fuente Hemingway Best Seller
BTL = A. Fuente Hemingway Between The Lines
cA = cigar Afficianado
C&A = Cornelius and Anthony (added 2017)
CAO = (Cano A. Ozgener-pipe maker cum cigar maker; company sold to General in 2009)
Cab = Cabinet
cammie = Cameroon
CF = Cigar Family
CI = Cigar International (a web shop)
CLE = Christian L. Eiroa (formerly of Camacho, now owning his own company 2015)
CoolerDor = Using a Cooler (Igloo) as a Humidor usually lined with Spanish Cedar
Connie = Consuegra (seconds to Punch, HdM, ERDM)
CoRo = Cohiba Robusto
CS = Conneticut Shade Wrapper . Club Stogie.
CW=Cigar Weekly
D3 = Partagás Serie D No. 3 EL
D4 = Partagás Serie D No.4 (Robustos)
DC = Don Carlos, Double Corona, or Diamond Crown
DPG=Don Pepin Garcia
DT&T = Dunbarton Tobacco and Trust (Steve Saka's company)
EDH =EDH - Everyday Hustle, also by Edgar Hoill
EL = Edicion Limitada
EMS = English Market Selection
EPC = Ernesto "Ernie"Perez Carrillo (former owner of El Credito [LaGloria Cubana])
EPI 1 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No 1 (corona gorda)
EPI 2 = Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure No 2 (robusto
ESG = Ashton Estate Sun Grown
ERdM = El Rey Del Mundo
FdO = Flor De Oliva
FFOX = Fuente Fuente Opus X
Fivers = 5 Sticks of Cigars
FNG = F***ing New Guy
FOG = F***ing Old Guy
HDM = Hoyo de Monterrey
Hemi = A. Fuente Hemingway
Herf = A gathering of people enjoying cigars and the company of each other
HP = Herfers' Paradise
HR = Hirochi Robaina, tabaquero, line of cigars from White Hat Cigars. 8/2017
Humi = Humidor
Hygro = Hygrometer
IPCPR = International Premium Cigar and Pipe Retailers Association (Largest trade org. for tobacconists. Formerly called the RTDA)
ISOM = Island South Of Miami
JdN = Joya de Nicaragua
JL = Juan Lopez
JL S2 = Juan Lopez Seleccion No 2 (Robustos)
JLP = Jose L. Piedra
JR or J*R = JR Cigars, largest online tobacco retailer
JRE = Julian R. Eiroa (owns his own company)
LBMF = Opus X LBMF (Little bad Mother F***er)
LCdH = La Casa del Habano (the authorized international chain of cigar stores specialising in Habanos)
LE = Limited Edition
LFD = La Flor Dominicana
LGC = La Gloria Cubana
LL = LaLuna
LLAF = LaLuna African Fuerte
LLLHB = LaLuna Little Havana Blend
LLMF = LaLuna Maduro Fuerte
LP = Liga Privada (Drew Estate)
LP9 or #9 = Liga Privada #9
LPT52 = Liga Privada T-52
LRE = La Rosa Especial
Lusi = Partagas Lusitanias
LVH = La Vieja Habana
LVR = A. Fuente Hemingway Limited Vintage Release
M&B = Moore and Bode
Mac = Macanudo
Mad or Maddie = maduro
MdS = Muestra de Saka (Steve Saka/Dunbarton Tobacco and Trust)
MMMM = Maria Mancini Magic Mountain
MMP = A. Fuente Hemingway Masterpiece Maduro
MNC = Montecruz Negra Cubana
Monte = Montecristo
MP = A. Fuente Hemingway Masterpiece
MQ = Mi Querida (Steve Saka/Dubarton Tobacco and Trust)
MUWAT = My Uzi Weighs A Ton (Drew Estate)
Nat, Nattie = natural (cameroon, Conneticut Shade, etc.)
NC = Non Cubans
OpuSex = Opus X (OpuSex: Copyright, Mrs. mannish, used with permission, all rights reserved)
Opus the 10th = Opus X (with apologies to Rush Limbaugh)
OF = Old Fashioned (seconds to Partagas, Cohiba and Macanudo)
OSOK = One Shot One Kill (by Edgar Hoill)
OTT = Off The Truck
PAM = Padron Anniversario Maduro
PAN = Padron Anniversario Natural
Party = Partagas
PBP = Punch Black Prince
PC = Petit Corona
PDR/PdR = Pinar del Rio (tobacco growing region of western Cuba.)
PDR/PdR = Pinar del Rio (Cigar brand created by Abe Flores and Don Leoncio)
PERF X = FFOX Perfexcion X
Pete= Pete Johnson of Tatuaje
PIF = Pay it Forward
PL = Por Larrańaga
PP = Punch Punch
PSD4 = Partagás Serie D No. 4
PSP2 = Partagás Serie P No. 2
RAG = Ramon Allones Gigantes
RASCC = Ramon Allones Small Club Coronas
RASS = Ramon Allones Specially Selected
RC = Bolivar Royal Coronas
RdC = FFOX Reserva de Chateau
RGPE = Rafael Gonzales Panetelas Extra
ROTT = Right off the truck
RP = Rocky Patel
RS11/RS#11 = Punch Royal Selection No. 11
RS12/RS#12 = Punch Royal Selection No. 12
RTDA = Retail Tobacco Dealers of America (see IPCPR)
RyJ = Romeo & Julieta
RyJ CF = Romeo y Julieta Celestiales Finos (panatella)
RyJ POW = Romeo y Julieta Prince of Wales
Sams-a-dor = a cheap, but nice, humidor, purchased at Sam's Club
SBN = Semi Boite Nature - A presentation of cigars in a wooden box.
SD4 = Partagas Series D #4
SDB = Standard Dress Box
SG = Sun grown
Shark = A. Fuente Anejo #77
SIG = A. Fuente Hemingway Signature
SLB = Slide Lid Box (this is the slide box or mini-cab with the slide lid top)
SLR = Saint Louis Rey
SLR A = San Luis Rey Serie A
SP = Sancho Panza
Split = Splitting the cost of a purchase usually a BOX
SS = A. Fuente Hemingway Short Story
SS1/SS#1 = Punch Super Selection No. 1
SS2/SS#2 = Punch Super Selection No. 2
SYCIRIN = soaking your cigar in rum is nuts
TAA = Toast Across America (Diamond Crown Maximus & OpusX)
TlD or TLD = Todos Las Dias (Steve Saka/Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust)
Trini = Trinidad
Tupper-Dor = The use of a Tupperware dish to store your cigars
ULT = Jr Cigars Ultimate Line
UPP SW = H Upmann Sir Winston
UTS = A. Fuente Hemingway Untold Story
VI = Village Idiots
VR = Vega Robaina
VR DA = Vega Robaina Don Alejandros (prominente)
VS = Victor Sinclair
VSG = Ashton Virgin Sun Grown
WOA = A. Fuente Hemingway Work of Art
WOAM = A. Fuente Hemingway Work Of Art Maduro
WTT = Want To Trade
xXx = Opus X^3 (Power Ranger)
I'm at the age now where just putting my cigar in its holder is a thrill.
George Burns

Last edited by TommyBB; 08-30-2017 at 06:19 AM. Reason: Updates
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Old 12-04-2005, 11:19 AM   #2
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Acronym ? abbreviation....

just a pet peeve of mine.

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Old 12-04-2005, 12:43 PM   #3
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Some additions:

BCJ = Bolívar Coronas Junior
PC = Petit Corona
MM = Machine made
PL = Por Larrańaga
PSD4 = Partagás Serie D No. 4
PSP2 = Partagás Serie P No. 2
RGPE = Rafael Gonzales Panetelas Extra
SP = Sancho Panza
- MM
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Old 12-04-2005, 01:06 PM   #4
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Thanks those have been added. There was already a PL from the original posting so if anyone can let me know what is what ( marked in red ) I'll make the change.

I'm at the age now where just putting my cigar in its holder is a thrill.
George Burns
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Old 12-04-2005, 01:23 PM   #5
Sancho Panza
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cA = cigar Afficianado

I took the liberty...hope ya don' mind.
For every Southern boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it, there is the instant when it’s still not yet two o'clock on that July afternoon in 1863...

William Faulkner, Intruder in the Dust 1948
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Old 12-04-2005, 01:28 PM   #6
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Not at all.. Figured this would be a good thing to keep up to date..
I'm at the age now where just putting my cigar in its holder is a thrill.
George Burns
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Old 12-04-2005, 02:52 PM   #7
Sancho Panza
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didn't see any harm in this; Mort hasn't worked on this for a long time...you old farts please, either help him, or ignor this thread...he's doing us a favor...thank you
For every Southern boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it, there is the instant when it’s still not yet two o'clock on that July afternoon in 1863...

William Faulkner, Intruder in the Dust 1948
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Old 12-06-2005, 10:51 AM   #8
Sancho Panza
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corrected the spelling on Upmann...

OpuSex = Opus X (OpuSex: Copyright, Mrs. mannish, used with permission, all rights reserved)

Opus the 10th = Opus X (with apologies to Rush Limbaugh)
For every Southern boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it, there is the instant when it’s still not yet two o'clock on that July afternoon in 1863...

William Faulkner, Intruder in the Dust 1948
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Old 10-31-2009, 08:24 AM   #9
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Great Acronyms!
Would try to memorize them all.

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Old 12-03-2009, 02:06 AM   #10
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DWHUA Driving While Head Up A**
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