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Old 05-01-2014, 03:28 PM   #1
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Bizarre Coolerdor Issue

Hey BOTLs,

I've been using my coolerdor for years now (since learning how to set one up when I first registered on here) and I've never had a problem keeping the humidity perfect without much effort. That was in LA. Now I'm in Las Vegas and I can't seem to get this down. I couldn't get my humidity to my normal 65-70 with the small jar of gel crystals I always used. So I got Heartfelt beads (1lb) and took the gel crystals out. That got my humidity up to about 45. I put the gel crystals back in with the Heartfelts and got the humidity up to 61 to 63 (I have two hygrometers that are 2% apart in readings).

This would leave me to believe that the cigars in there are smokable but a bit dry. I pick some up and they are MUSHY....super mushy, like they're waaaay too humid. I just don't get it. The guy at the local B&M was just as confused as I was when I asked him about it. You wise FOGs on here have any insight into my issue? It's driving me nuts. Thanks.
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Old 05-01-2014, 06:28 PM   #2
Mad Dawg
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My first inclination is that you need a new hygrometer, or at least to salt calibrate the one you're using.

The thing to remember is that unless you're in and out of the cooler all the time, the RH really should stay solid. Yeah, Vegas is drier than LA, but that shouldn't make that much difference.
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Old 05-01-2014, 07:27 PM   #3
big ben
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Yep. At least salt test them.
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Old 05-02-2014, 11:53 AM   #4
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And remember - if they spent a month or longer at 45%, you probably want to:
- rotate the cigars around in the box in relation to the humidity source
- do this every week for at least a month - longer if you can - so they cigars and their humidity level 'even out'.
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Old 05-05-2014, 09:16 PM   #5
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one thought I have is in LA a cooler wth a loose seal would work OK, but in Vegas it would be a problem with the ambient RH as low as it is there.
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