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I'll Drink to That! What is your favorite beverage to have with a cigar? Juice? Cola? Beer? Port? Single Malt Scotch? This room is for the discussion of beverages, especially alcoholic beverages that go well with cigars!

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Old 09-07-2024, 06:35 AM   #8
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Herf God
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I have been using The Captain’s Coffee brew guide for the AeroPress with really good results. Here’s their guide steps…

AeroPress basic recipes

Basic black coffee

1. 30 g medium grind coffee
2. 100 ml 200F water
3. Gently Stir for 10 seconds
4. Brew 1:30
5. Plunge around 30 seconds
6. Total brew time 2 minutes
7. Dilute with 240 grams or 1 cup hot water
8. Done

Espresso strength coffee

1. 18 g fine ground coffee
2. Use 2 filters to minimize fine coffee grounds
3. 100 g 200F water
4. Stir gently for 10 seconds
5. Brew 60 seconds
6. Plunge around 30 seconds
7. Total brew time 1:30
8. Done

For Americano coffee, add 160 g hot water to the espresso type shot.


I do find the inverted method, starting the brew process with the AeroPress upside down, works great for making strong concentrate coffee where hot water is added to desired strength. For me with the black coffee recipe, I add 200 grams of water to start and steep for 2 minutes , and finish by adding 250 grams hot water to the concentrate for a total of 2 cups hot coffee in my carafe. This makes a darn good cup of black coffee that tastes great. If I want to add milk, I’ll add milk to the concentrate instead of water.

The espresso style recipe is a bit too strong for my taste so I use 15 grams of coffee. This is more to my liking.
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AeroPress, espresso
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