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Old 01-31-2004, 05:52 AM   #1
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Soft flame lighter

Good people,
I'm on the prowl for a soft flame butane lighter and I don't want to drop a lot of scratch...I'm eyeing the Nibo VIP beacause it looks pretty good and I like that price

I'm also considering the Vector Emperor, which based on the great feedback is probably better, but is the Emperor that much better where the $25 cost above the VIP is justified? (That wide flame does look great)

Or is there a nother reasonable soft flame lighter that I should be considering
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Old 01-31-2004, 01:13 PM   #2
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That VIP sounds interesting..."it pings"! If you get it, I hope you'll post about it.

I have the Vector and it came with a nice case and a warranty--work's fine.

I also have http://www.justforhim.com/access/articles/art1.html an Old Boy which is 'dead-reliable' even carrying it in my dungaree's pocket.


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Old 01-31-2004, 01:47 PM   #3
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Originally Posted by LIGHTNINROD
That VIP sounds interesting..."it pings"! If you get it, I hope you'll post about it.
"The Dupont Ping"

Just avoid the zippo, great lighter but the fluid spoils taste. I use a Colibri. I have 2 colibris an and old boy......one colibri is broke, and I use one fairly often. The other Coibri is fine. BUt I carry a 6 dollar convience store lighter. Reliable and cheap. and when it gets lost/broke, it isn't heartbreaking.
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Old 01-31-2004, 02:54 PM   #4
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I've had the Vector Emperor since last summer and love it. I had one problem with it when it arrived. The flame adjustment screw was set too low which prevented it from delivering anything beyond a small flame. I lived with it for a while, but finally decided to see how their five-year warranty worked. I sent it in along with a check for $7 for return postage and it came back a little over two weeks later. They did an awesome job and the flame was bigger than anything I'd ever need. I set it down in the mid-range and it works perfectly.

For around $40 I am very happy with the value I got...that is unless I lose it.
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Old 01-31-2004, 08:42 PM   #5
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I have both and use and abuse both. But, since I'm affiliated with Bargain Humidors, take this with that in mind.

I get a wider flame out of the Emperor than the VIP. I get a higher flame out of the VIP. The lid on the Emperor opens further than the VIP. It normally isn't an issue, but the lid tends to get in my way when I light a pipe with the VIP where it doesn't with the Emperor. However, I only use those to light a pipe when I forget my pipe lighter. The VIP come in 2 colors, the Emperor more than that, however they did discontinue the one finish that I really liked and that was the gold w/ black laquer accent. Both the VIP and the Emperor ship with a pack of flints (Emperor ships that way from Vector and we add in a pack of flints to the VIP), so you should last for several years without needing flints. The Emperor ships with a pouch, whereas the VIP does not, but the Vector pouches will fit the VIP. The first thing I did with the VIP is to remove the screw that covers the fuel fill and throw the screw away.

In a nutshell, I like them both and it is very unlikely that a flint lighter is going to break on you. Since they both work equally well and if you aren't partial to a specific finish, I'd suggest the VIP mainly due to cost.
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Old 02-02-2004, 10:44 AM   #6
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Thanks guys for the advice...and Mike, I tip my hat to you...recommending the less expensive option to a potential customer speaks volumes about your integrity

I will no doubt be making this purchase at Bargain Humidors.
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Old 02-02-2004, 04:14 PM   #7
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It's an honest assessment of the two products to what we feel would meet your needs best.

Something to be aware of. Cost isn't always a factor. Some high priced items have lower margins than many low priced items. So recommending a lower cost item may actually be of greater benefit to a retailer than recommending a higher priced item. This business is a hobby for us and you can trust that we will always treat it that way. We smoke and collect cigars as well as pipes, wine, and several other things. We also attend several large herfs and we count many of our customers as friends whom we share cigars with. You are going to get the straight story, simply because integrity is the one thing that should never be compromised and we will not tolerate anyone in one of the companies we work for doing anything that compromises that.
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Old 02-02-2004, 04:55 PM   #8
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Have both and they equally perform very well. Really like the wider flame of the Emperor but the "ping" on the VIP is really something. The Emperor also comes with a punch which I don't think I've ever used.
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Old 02-03-2004, 08:50 AM   #9
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Awwww yes....the all important profit margin..how could I forget that. Thanks Mike for the info and the recommendation. I just placed my order and threw in one of those Noctorno cigars...they sound interesting
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Old 02-07-2004, 02:38 PM   #10
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Received my Nibo VIP yesterday and have since lighted 3 stcks. The verdict is........I LOVE IT. Nice big flame (if adjusted) and I dig that pinging sound. I can't stop playing with it....I also love the fact that there is a spare flint housed inside the bottom of the lighter and the striking action is addictive.

Thanks Mike for the suggestion and the extra flints and smoking candle thrown in is much appreciated
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