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Old 05-14-2003, 07:13 PM   #41
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Great info for this newbie. I just set up my FIRST coolerodor, put cigars and boxes and I'm waiting for the humidity to stabilize.

Thanks grtrx, this newbie appreciates it.

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Old 05-15-2003, 05:18 AM   #42
Herfin Bigdog
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Originally Posted by NMCigar
Great info for this newbie. I just set up my FIRST coolerodor, put cigars and boxes and I'm waiting for the humidity to stabilize.

Thanks grtrx, this newbie appreciates it.

Congratulations on the birth of your FIRST Coolerdor NM!

Depending on the amount of wood that you have in the way of cigar boxes in your coolerdor, it may take days if not weeks to stabilize. If the boxes had been kept in a properly humidified location before placing in the cooler, it may be just a matter of days before stabilization. However, if the boxes had been sitting out for a while before being placed in the cooler, it may take 2-3 weeks to reach stability.

Much like you have to 'season' a new humidor before placing your smokes in it, any wood that is introduced to a 'dor will also need to be 'seasoned'. Wood can absorb and release moisture much slower than your cigars. Place your new cigars into a wooden 'dor (or into a 'dor with lots of wood) that has not been seasoned and the wood will suck the moisture right out of your cigars. This is why dry boxing works so well.

Nekid cigar boxes are better than varnished and 'dressed' boxes (boxes with paper glued to the wood) for the long term storage of cigars. Because the wood releases moisture so slowly (in comparison to your cigars), boxes can act as a humidifying buffer for your 'dors.

To me, a cigar is more than a good smoke; it is a way of life. I love them! And it killed George Burns at 100, so don't give me any crap about health! -- Bert Sugar, Sports Writer
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Old 05-25-2003, 05:48 AM   #43
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Thanks to grtrx and this thread on the old JRBB, I've run 5 120qt coolers and 3 68qt for almost 3 years. It's all your fault man!
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Old 05-25-2003, 06:48 AM   #44
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I'm truly big enough to accept the blmae!
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Sir Winston Churchill

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Old 05-26-2003, 04:48 PM   #45
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There is one thing I would add, if I may?

If you cannot have a temp controlled environment for your cigars, then get a second cooler (or tupperware) to use as a quaranteen. Place all new stock in there for at least 3 months. If you have no signs of beetles in that time, then they're okay to move into general population.

This worked for me for a long time, until I finally bought my 30-bottle Haier.
A broken Punch whore. Now I smoke anything I can get.
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Old 05-30-2003, 06:37 AM   #46
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you can add what you want, but beetles can hatch years later in rare cases.
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." - Sir Winston Churchill

"A sick thought can devour the body's flesh more than fever or consumption." - Guy de Maupassant
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Old 08-05-2003, 02:23 AM   #47
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In reference to 4b, Cedar is over used, Cedar became a a thing of prestige. The old antique Humidors came with MilkGlass Lining, and IMHO work better than Cedar Lined Humidors. Cedar does however contribute to the taste. Happy Smokin'
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Old 08-09-2003, 08:53 PM   #48
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I knew when I prayed to god for a coolidor I would get an answer.... Hell it's a step by step answer!!!!!

Where do u store those 24 coolidors? u need a walk in roomidor ! Then u can really expand.!

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Old 08-19-2003, 04:32 PM   #49
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needin advice

howdy everybody, brand new to the boards and the world of cigahs

good friend of mine (HUGE cigar enthusiast) and me just got back from the JR Outlet in burlington, nc

i came home with with a box of JR ultimate cabinet no. 10, aged for 2 years --there was a special running and I picked up a $299 JR humidor for $50

i was told to vist climmax to buy beads, but as I was scrolling down and checking out other posts i saw that they where out o beads for awhile

what in the sam hill am i going to do-- as previously expressed i don't know jack 'bout cigars and i'm most anxious to get my humidor functional (for reasons to lengthy to go into right now my friend is unavailable to be reached till tomorrow

aside from putting my cigars (already tested the wares--loved em) in ziploc bags, what should i do???

i appreciate any and all advice

now i'm off to the porch to light up

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Old 08-23-2003, 12:18 PM   #50
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I was wondering is there any advantage to putting the cigars in your desktop humidor and then placing the humidor in the cooler. The only advantage I can see is that they get a little more cedar flavor.

One more question. If I have a bunch of different cigars in the coolerdor with different flavors with their flavors marry at all? If so Maybe I can put my maddies in a 50 ct desktop before putting into the cooler to keep some of their distinct flavor and keep the maddie flavor from spreading to the natties.

Also some small advantages may be there would be more protection against the spread of mold or beetles

Thanks for the help guys.
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