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Cigar Rights in America Discussion of smokers' rights in all 50 states.

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Old 04-17-2018, 11:53 AM   #1
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Baton rouge Louisiana

They met today to practically ban smoking in all public areas. The bill is hb881. Including cigar shops. Anyone happen to go to the meeting today? Going to have to underground. My bunker will be ready.

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Old 04-22-2018, 07:53 AM   #2
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It was deferred by the bill's author. In my estimation, he saw the writing on the wall, knowing it was too ridiculous, RIGHT NOW.

Forgive me getting political, but nanny-staters, typically do this. They float the big trial balloon, and get every one all worked up to see what their opposition is like. The first time, they pull the legislation, or walk it back. However, after that? Then they get all their public service ads going, about saving your life, get the comedians to make fun of smokers, get the "opinion-makers" talking and writing about how horrible it is that second-hand smoke (or whatever the issue may be) is KILLING EVERYONG. And, start attacking little by little.

Then, next year or two down the line, they will have converted enough folks to try a very small step, and it will likely pass...well, you know, it's juuuuuuuust ___________________.

We're not trying to outright ban, or whatever. Then once in place, and after the loud outrage is over, they'll start the same process again and again, until they get there.

However, if he deferred, he knew he couldn't win, now, and this was just to size-up the opposition.

+In Memory of E.Guevara(Cubano67)W.Orlando(Shadow) A.Morris (Knife) D.Odom (dodom) D.Revermann (dgr) S.Bouchard (sb1396) M.Cole (Matt76) S.Faccenda (TOJE) R.Smith(IBMer) V.Vandermeer (van55)M.Davis(boxdoctor)S.Singer(bassman)K.Doetze l (drillrk1)D.Hart(garme1962)J.Coleman(John C 81)T.Gossett(Dartplayer1)J.Bolt (jb)E.J.Ferralles(CaballoPinto)M.Cataldo(FVFanMC)K Payne(SanchoPanza)F.Seltzer(Mowee)+LB+Connor Olson+Micah Kercheval+Maggie Bonefas+Karen

Last edited by TommyBB; 04-22-2018 at 11:19 AM.
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Old 04-22-2018, 08:18 AM   #3
El Chefé
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An astute observation, T.
Every time you think you've become too cynical, the world finds a way to teach you that the real problem is that you haven't become cynical enough

Free speech is free speech is free speech. There is no qualifier.

If you aren't outraged, you aren't paying attention.

Never attribute malice to that what can be explained as stupidity.

Unborn lives matter too.

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Old 04-23-2018, 11:30 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by TommyBB View Post
It was deferred by the bill's author. In my estimation, he saw the writing on the wall, knowing it was too ridiculous, RIGHT NOW.

Forgive me getting political, but nanny-staters, typically do this. They float the big trial balloon, and get every one all worked up to see what their opposition is like. The first time, they pull the legislation, or walk it back. However, after that? Then they get all their public service ads going, about saving your life, get the comedians to make fun of smokers, get the "opinion-makers" talking and writing about how horrible it is that second-hand smoke (or whatever the issue may be) is KILLING EVERYONG. And, start attacking little by little.

Then, next year or two down the line, they will have converted enough folks to try a very small step, and it will likely pass...well, you know, it's juuuuuuuust ___________________.

We're not trying to outright ban, or whatever. Then once in place, and after the loud outrage is over, they'll start the same process again and again, until they get there.

However, if he deferred, he knew he couldn't win, now, and this was just to size-up the opposition.
Agreed. That's why I asked habana port to keep me in the loop. Politicians nerd more and more power, like a crack addict, and never stop. They love to sneak in stuff. The same with gun control. I'll do what I can to resist

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