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Old 03-31-2005, 07:36 AM   #1
Smokin Low
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Hygrometers HELP!...

I have three hygrometers. I have salt tested all of them and they all have their own story. Digitals are by Madelaine Inc.

First, digital #1, salt tested it and it was 8% low and 10 degrees low on the temp. It has now gotten better (64% with beads) in the last two weeks. Can they take this long to stableize? Temp is still low.

Second, digital #2 salt tested it for approx. 18 hours and it says 71% and 65 degrees. I'll keep it in there to see if it gets closer to 75% but how long should it take?

Third, analog - salt testing it with #2 and it reads 79% after 18 hours. I know these are not too reliable but what is its prognosis? Should I add more water to the salt (distilled of course)?

This stuff seems simple enough but I am having a difficult time with it. Perhaps patience is the key.

Smokin' Low
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Old 03-31-2005, 10:02 AM   #2
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I've never salt tested any... but luckily my hygros read pretty close to each other.

When you are done with the test... just tape notes on each one e.g. +4% on the hygro and then you can get an idea where humidity level is at.
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Old 03-31-2005, 03:08 PM   #3
Rob G
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Originally Posted by casual
I've never salt tested any... but luckily my hygros read pretty close to each other.
So I guess that just means they are all off by the same amount.

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Old 03-31-2005, 08:18 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Rob G
Originally Posted by casual
I've never salt tested any... but luckily my hygros read pretty close to each other.
So I guess that just means they are all off by the same amount.
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Old 04-01-2005, 01:15 PM   #5
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Salt testing may take 24-36 hours to come to equilibrium. If you're using a plastic bag instead of a glass jar, it may never equilibrate at the correct RH. Do the test in a glass jar and allow a minimum of 24 hours before deciding what the correction value should be....
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Old 04-01-2005, 01:24 PM   #6
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What Prflani said. You are lucky your analog works at all. The one that came with my first Humi is pegged at 80% and has never moved. 8% seems pretty high for a digital, but some are more accurate than others.

Calibrating hygros can be a maddening experience because no matter how much you beat it into your brain that they can be off by 3% or more you are still, in the back of your mind, expecting them to be right on.

I'm in the process of (being very anal) testing my four hygrometers with first the humidipaks and second with the salt test. And I have one hygro so far that even though everyone else who has them says they are almost spot on, is off by 4-5% (and guaranteed to be +/-1.5%).

You just have to be able to label them by how much they are off and move on with life.
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